September 28, 2015

> A Perfect Wedding

love story

An angular fairytale

They said he was peculiar. He was a neat young man with beautiful hands and the eyes of a storm. They also said that he was afraid of corners.

While he always had a distaste for corners, edges and other line-swallowing monstrosities, it never used to be more than a minor annoyance back home. The corners might have been, well, a bit cornery and the edges a bit edgy – in the end, they were also his corners and his edges. He knew them.

But one day a war came, and just like that, his family was gone. In the empty house, all the corners started looking at him.

As soon as the war ended, he sold the family house for near to nothing, and moved to the biggest city in the country. Because even he knew there wasn’t anything you couldn’t find in a city large enough: cheap women, expensive beer and reasonably priced happiness for everyone.

He started by looking for a flat in the city center, where the people kindly smiled at him and nodded. No one here understood corners.

At last the night came. He walked and walked, until there was nothing but closed doors and empty streets. A perfect full moon was glowing low in the sky, yellow as oil. He sat down and stared at it. The moon stared back at him, and saw a handsome young man, with a soul like simmering milk. The moon had no beginning, no end, no corners. But she had many daughters.

One of the doors opened. A very fat woman was filling the frame. In fact, she wasn’t merely filling the frame, but the whole space around her. Every corner of it. She was very white and beautiful. She was smiling.

He realised that he was smiling too. So this was the place. No more corners. She kindly smiled again and nodded. He got up. In one straight mouvement, he walked to the door, took her hand, and brought it to his heart.

They said it was a perfect wedding.

Then, together, under the soft light of the obese moon, the newlyweds entered the house and were never seen again.