December 11, 2014

> The Space Shark

galactic story

A Fantastical Creature

Obviously the space shark is quite the shark, white sharky skin and teeth and everything. It is not known yet how he manages to swim in vacuum, but one has to believe the boy developed a clever trick or two on his evolutionary journey across the cosmos.

One could also wonder, how did the shark get out of the water? This isn’t so extraordinary. It has happened to us too. But being a dreamer, the shark wasn’t really interested in land. So one day he took the plunge into the sky. The air was crowded with stupid birds, and so he kept going and landed straight into space.

Space wasn’t as much of a shock to the shark as one could expect. In fact, it’s very similar to the ocean: endless, lonely and full of random weird stuff floating around. Also, one needs a contemplative mind in order to survive. The shark is very good at contemplation. Thank God.

Because of his diet of galaxies, the shark has become very big. It remains unclear whether those eventually get digested, but the scientific consensus is that the galaxies just sit somewhere inside the shark, powering him from within.

Sometimes, when he has had a good meal and isn’t bothered about food, the shark swims and swims, until he reaches the end of the Universe. There, he pauses for a while, and looks at all the galaxies laid out in front of him, almost at infinity.

One day though, he will have eaten them all, one after the other, and the Universe will just be this, a space shark, with a universe inside his stomach.

The Internet has a picture of the space shark.